Day 27:Fri Sep 9:Salmonier to Placentia NL
We spent the night at the "Wilds", a golf course resort about an hour from St Johns. It was fairly nice and not too bad of a price. We had breakfast there after calling ahead to book a place in Placentia NL. to be near the ferry at Argentia for the Saturday morning departure. After breakfast we started out and got to Placentia at about 12:00. We wandered around town for a bit and waited till 14:00 to book in to our room. We took a walk on the sea wall and looked around the town. After we booked in I went and washed the bike and got some stuff for the ferry ride on saturday. We then went up to Castle mountain near Placentia where there was a national historic site that displayed the fort that was built to protect the fishing grounds back in the 1700's. It changed hands from French to British a couple of times during some 100 years. After taking a bunch of pictures and looking maround we went back to town and had supper.
When we got back to the hotel there were two members of the "Royal Newfoundland Constabulary-Mounted Patrol at the hotel. They were there with their monts for a parade the next day. I had a good visit with them and their horses. They were both very nice guys and we had a good chat about policing on horseback. They both knew my friend Jerry Mayo who we had met in Ottawa a couplke of weeks ago on our tour of that city.
We watched the first half of the Edmonton vs. Calgary rematch and went to bed at half time....Calgary lost we found out the next day. Placentia is another nice outport town with friendly people and good food. We are starting to get holiday fatigue however and are looking forward to getting home.
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