Monday, August 14, 2006

Second Day Out..Medicine Hat to Moose Jaw

We slept till about 09:oo this morning after finally shutting down at 02:37. Brewed a coffee in the room and got packed. Its going to take a day or so to get things organized so stuff goes in the right place all the time and we don't have to search for stuff. Space is at a premium. The alternative however is to pull a trailer...UGH!...I do that in the Oil Patch. Went to the Honda dealer in "The Hat" to try to find a heated jacket liner for Jude...No luck. We had lunch and finally got out of town @ 13:21. We crossed into Sask. @ 14:15. We stopped for a drink in Tompkins and had supper ? in Swift Current ( "Speedy Creek") about 16:30. We gassed up and headed east...stopped at the shore bird look-out near Chaplin and got to Moose Jaw @ 19:30. We went to visit Jude's Mom and will spend the night at Ron & Dorothy's...A pretty good day all things considered and about 725 k's on the books since we left.


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